Easter Cornflake Treats with Poundland

Posted on 27th March 2024

The kids are off, and you need some inspiration on how to keep them entertained?

We’ve got the answer for you.

Maybe the simplest answer, but very effective… Easter baking!

Warning: This is NOT mess proof.

Poundland at CastleCourt have an amazing selection of ingredients and baking equipment. It’s the all-in-one stop for some epic Easter baking.

So you can plan ahead, we’ve popped in the prices and total costs.

Let’s bounce in…


  • 50g butter (Kerrymaid butter £1.75)
  • 100g milk or dark chocolate (95g Dairy Milk £1.50, maybe grab 2 bars just in case!)
  • 3 tbsp honey (£1)
  • 100g Cornflakes (£2)
  • 1 packet of Mini Eggs or a Mini Egg bar (£1.50)


  • Cupcake cases (80p)
  • Spoon (60p)
  • Mixing bowl (£1.50)


  1. Firstly, weigh out all your ingredients, you don’t want your amounts to be mixed up!
  2. Next, we can begin melting your butter, chocolate and honey. Then, add in your cornflakes and give it all a big stir.
  1. When everything is coated in chocolate and well mixed together, it’s time to scoop everything into our cupcake cases.
  2. When all the mixture has been added into the cupcake cases, you can get started on the fun part… decorating! Pop some Mini Eggs on top for some lovely Easter vibes.
  3. Once your treats have been decorated to perfection, leave them in the fridge for a few hours.
  4. Last step… ENJOY!


Total cost:

Ingredients: £8.75

Baking equipment: £2.90

Total cost: £11.65

Let us know if you tried these out and how it went over on our Instagram account @castlecourtbelfast!


Happy Easter from us here at CastleCourt Shopping Centre xx